All is Well
Boa Noche!
All is well on the JJ Mesquita. The team had their second day of serving in the jungle today. I'm not sure yet how their day went or what the village was like as I received the update this morning before they got started. Hopefully, I'll have more for you in the morning.
To give you an idea, here is the team's general daily schedule:
6:30AM - wake up
7:00 - breakfast (eggs, fruit, ham, cheese, bread, juice, coffee)
7:30 - team devotional
8:00 - 12:00PM off the boat and into the village to begin serving and loving on the people
12:00 - lunch (some sort of meat plus rice & beans)
1:00 - 2:30 rest/siesta
2:30 - 6:00 back to serving the people of the village (includes an afternoon soccer game with the guys)
6:00 - dinner (more meat, rice & beans)
7:00 - church service.
People may come from other nearby villages to get medical/dental care or to attend church. They travel in small dug out canoes like the one you see in the picture.
Prayers for tonight and tomorrow:
- Open hearts of the villagers and that, through the work of the team, God's kingdom would be glorified and greatly increase in number
- Unity with the translators
- That all are getting good rest. (the girls get bunk beds in very small rooms on the boat; whereas, the guys hang hammocks up in the common area of the boat to sleep in)
- For the medical and dental teams...wisdom & guidance to treat their patients
- For the women's ministry share their hurts & struggles with the women of the village and how a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ & his saving grace overcomes any of our sins...past or future.
- For the children's ministry love on those kids & to learn from their simple, loving spirits
- For the sports enjoy getting beat at soccer (because they will!) and that the Lord would open up opportunities to share Christ with the men and teenagers with whom they'll play.
Thank you so much for your prayers!
Kelli Coblentz
Thanks for the updates... very interesting and appreciated.
Jack Burns - (Liz Burns and Rick Agostin)
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